SEA - El Carmen
SEA - El Carmen offers educational, and charitable support to the poor through programs with community alliances directed toward improving the health and well-being in ecosystems at risk from human society.
Donate $5 daily and enable a child to receive quality education.
Every $1 donated, 100% goes to the school in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
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Our Mission
Empower the poverty-stricken community in Guayaquil, Ecuador through providing quality education, community healthcare, and nutritional programs. Empower the community by providing them the tools they need to be self-sufficient.
Alleviating poverty in Ecuador through education and health, replacing it with lives full of hope, stability, and health.
Education as a Protective Factor
Protective factors are characteristics within the individual child, the child's family, or the child's community that serve to decrease the likelihood of a child developing social and emotional problems in the face of adversity. Protective factors are characteristics specifically associated with children overcoming otherwise adverse circumstances and risk factors, such as poverty and parental conflict.
Community protective factors include effective schools, which include well-trained and well-compensated teachers, after-school programs, and school recreation resources. Other community protective factors include good public health care, access to recreational centers, and connections to caring adult mentors and pro-social peers.
SEA El-Carmen provides community protective factors through the Saint Vincent de Paul School for elementary education which is employed by competent and well-paid teachers, after-school programs, weekend programs, and a playground. SEA- El Carmen also provides public health care for the community, access to the school resources, and child connections with caring adults at the school and clinic. (2008, Phares)**
St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
Congregation of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament
CITI Bank Guayaquil, Ecuador
As a non-profit public charity organization, SEA - Carmen depends upon public support from the community, government funding and volunteers to achieve its mission and program goals. If you are interested in supporting these projects, please visit our "Contact Us" page for contact information and donation instructions. To find out more about the past financial operations of the organization, visit our "Who Are We" page for links to view recent financial statements. In addition, if you or your organization is interested in collaborating on a specific project or country, please contact Ana Shaver for more information at guayaquilmission@gmail.com.
Thank you for your interest!